Is inspired by the Lord and is God’s infallible, inerrant, revelation to people. It is a believer’s final authority for truth, faith, and practice. It gives a message of life, hope, and purpose from an almighty God. 


There is only one true God, eternally existing in a profound mystery of three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each possess full and equal deity.


God the Father is fully God and a divine member of the trinity. He is infinite, eternal, and immutable as He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born of a virgin, fully God and fully man.  He lived a perfect sinless life, performed miracles, was crucified in our place, and was resurrected from the dead. Three days later He defeated death and ascended into heaven where He makes intercession for believers. In God’s ordained time, Jesus Christ will return for His Church.


We believe in the Holy Spirit sent from, and being co-equal with, the Father and the Son, to seal and indwell each believer fully at the moment of saving faith. The Holy Spirit is a counselor, comforter, and helper, empowering Christians to live a life set apart unto God for His glory.


We believe that though man was created perfect in God’s image, through Adam’s sin, every person became spiritually dead and fell out of a right standing with God. God, in His mercy, sent His Son (Jesus) as the perfect sacrifice to reconcile mankind and redeem all of creation by His atoning blood. Those who trust solely in Christ’s completed work are reconciled to God forever and adopted by Him as children; those not trusting are condemned already. 


Salvation comes only by the grace given by God through faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning work on the cross. All who are born again by the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ are eternally saved and may be assured of living with God forever in heaven. 

All believers, by reason of their new identity in Christ should endeavor to live holy, spirit-empowered lives, motivated not by compulsion, but rather, as a loving response to their Heavenly Father, striving to love God and others as Christ loves us. 


Consists of all those who have believed in Christ as their personal Savior and hold to the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. It is the body of Christ and the family of God. It is to be on mission with where the Lord leads, guides, and directs.


Jesus will return again! When He does, heaven and earth as we know them will pass away and a new heaven and earth will replace them. Believers will live in eternal bliss in this new creation, glorifying God by enjoying Him forever. God will judge all people – blessing those found in Christ with eternal life and condemning those who die in rebellion to eternal damnation.